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This module is part of recursiveuniverse.github.io.

Memoization Module

HashLife uses extensive canonicalization to optimize the storage of very large patterns with repetitive components. The Canonicalization Module implements a very naive hash-table for canoncial representations of squares.

Since every unique square has a single canonical representation in the cache, HashLife is able to "memoize" results such as its future at a particular time. Consider the completely degenerate example of an empty square that is 2^64 by 2^64 (18,446,744,073,709,552,000 a side). In order to compute its history, the Hashlife algorithm first constructs nine squares that are 2^32 a side. Naturally, they're all identical, empty squares. HashLife needs to computer their future, so it computes the first one and memoizes it. When it gets the result for the remaining eight, it re-uses the memoized result.

That goes down recursively, of course. Computing the future of an empty 2^32 by 2^32 square starts with getting the future of nine identical empty 2^31 by 2^31 squares, and that result is only computed once. This continues down recursively until we reach a seed square that is 2^2 by 2x2.

Not all patterns are as obliging as an empty square, some have fewer or greater amounts of redundancy HashLife can exploit. Which is interesting, in that the "complexity" of a pattern's future is closely linked to the lack of redundancy encountered in computing the future. This is why a Glider Gun with population 36 is many, many orders of magnitude less complicated than Rabbits with population 9.

Implementing Memoization

The implementation is a little more bespoke than you would usually see. Normally, you would use something like;

@somememoizedmethod = .memoize( -> "methodbodygoeshere" )

However, rolling our own memoization infrastructure allows us to construct the children method that shows us which squares are logically related to any given square, by dint of being its quadrants or result at any time in the future.

Baseline Setup

_ = require('underscore')
{YouAreDaChef} = require('YouAreDaChef')
exports ?= window or this

exports.mixInto = ({Square, Cell}) ->

        get_memo: (index) ->
        set_memo: (index, square) ->
          @memoized[index] = square
        initialize: ->
          @memoized = {}

  memoize = (clazz, names...) ->
    for name in names
      do (name) ->
        method_body = clazz.prototype[name] #FIXME is this broken now that the method_body has been monekeyed about
        clazz.prototype[name] = (args...) ->
          index = name + _.map( args, (arg) -> "_#{arg}" ).join('')
          @get_memo(index) or @set_memo(index, method_body.call(this, args...))

  memoize Square.Seed, 'result'
  memoize Square.RecursivelyComputable, 'result', 'result_at_time'

The first time through

Congratulations, you've finished the four core modules (universe, future, canonicalization and memoization) that make up Cafe au Life. Review the garbage collection, menagerie, and API modules at your leisure, they are incidental to the core idea.

(c) 2012 Reg Braithwaite (@raganwald)

Cafe au Life is freely distributable under the terms of the MIT license.

The annotated source code was generated directly from the original source using Docco.